Shibu Raj's invitation is awaiting your response

Judge Not ...Condemn Not ...Be Gracious always and Quick to Forgive
Earnest Expectations (My Blog) started as a way to express my thoughts on Christian life, faith and the discipline of a Christian - Member of the holy church. Often, it helped me to group my ideas and thoughts and it allowed me to share those with my friends. The most important gain for me is that it helped me in enhance my writing skill - which is really important at this point. Moreover; it helped me to kill some of my personal time thinking about what to write next and how to write.
Lately, I was thinking about putting more time in to "Earnest Expectations" and also to spread my thinking in to other areas of human life which includes politics, economics, philosophy, technology and other areas which I can think off. It's definitely different from what I usually do, but it looks good to me to increase my knowledge on other areas. Even if I wont do anything good, it is nice to give a try. After all I will learn something from this exercise.
Likewise, increasing the breadth of subjects I am going to cover in "Earnest Expectations" will definitely add value to this blog. It's my earnest expectation that this facelift will add more readers to my blog and make them think about reality. To become easily accessible to others, I decided to register the domain name The style of this blog is still going to be same and will continue as place to scribe my thoughts rather than a commercial website. The registration process has started and is expected to be completed in a week. I will update you guys through this blog when it is ready.
This week is going to be hectic with all the new changes in the blog and I do have an exam for the next week. May the Almighty Christ help you to achieve what you want in this life and this is earnest expectation for you all.
Shibu Raj
Dear Friends,
Dear friends,
Memory management is always a problem while writting computer programs. New generation tools and languages gives some flexibility for the programmers in terms of easy memory management, the programmers are not always free to do what ever they want. These restrictions are always good in a way, but decreases the productivity, misses the project deadlines etc etc...